Boreal now partnered with Tugo

Boreal Insurance is excited to announce that we are now partnered with Tugo.  Tugo is a travel insurance company which provides a full suite of products including packages for incoming and outgoing travellers as well as students studying abroad. Tugo also offers optional coverage for higher risk activities including participation in adventure sports, rodeo or motorized speed contests.  Contact us today for a no obligation quote for your travel needs. 

Alberta Weather

Lots of exciting weather this week!, Hammers home the variance in water damage & off premise power interruption coverage that is in the marketplace right now. If you have concerns about how your policy will react or would like to know what options are available, contact us for a coverage review!

March 23, 2016

Effective March 21, 2016 Innisfail Insurance Services Ltd. became the Boreal Insurance Group Inc.  We still have the same great staff here to provide to your insurance needs, just an updated name and an updated look as we enter our 70th year of business!